Sunday, 3 March 2013

Chennai Mathematical Institute - BSc and MSc Admission 2013

Applications for August, 2013 are open.

Academic programmes offered at CMI

Note: From 2012, the B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics programme has been restructured as an integrated B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and Physics. There is a common entrance examination for both the B.Sc. (Hons.) programmes. You need not select your course at the time of applying. The choice can be made after admission.

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and Computer Science (3 year integrated course).
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and Physics (3 year integrated course).
M.Sc. in Mathematics.
M.Sc. in Applications of Mathematics.
M.Sc. in Computer Science.
Ph.D. in Mathematics.
Ph.D. in Computer Science.
Ph.D. in Physics.

Eligibility for Admission

B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics and Computer Science:    12th standard or equivalent.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics and Physics:    12th standard or equivalent.
M.Sc. in Mathematics:    B.Sc.(Math)/B.Math/B.Stat/B.E./B.Tech.
M.Sc. in Applications of Mathematics:    B.Sc.(Math,Physics,Statistics)/B.Math/B.Stat/B.E./B.Tech.
M.Sc. in Computer Science:    B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc.(C.S.)/B.C.A. or B.Sc.(Math) with a strong background in C.S.
Ph.D. in Mathematics:    B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc.(Math)/M.Sc.(Math).
Ph.D. in Computer Science:    B.E/B.Tech/M.Sc.(C.S.)/M.C.A.
Ph.D. in Physics:    B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc.(Physics)/M.Sc.(Physics).

Application Procedure

You may apply online or request a printed application form, either by post or in person. In either case, there is an application fee of Rs. 600/-.
The preferred mode of applying to CMI's programmes is to fill out the online application form. Click on the appropriate link below.
Note: You need not choose between BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science and BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics at the time of applying. The choice can be made after admission.

Alternatively, you can obtain application forms and information brochures by post. Send a DD for Rs. 600/- in favour of Chennai Mathematical Institute payable at Chennai to the address given here. Indicate clearly your name, address and the programme(s) you are applying for.

For BSc, you need not choose between BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science and BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics at the time of applying. For MSc/PhD, you can apply for multiple programmes (see below for more details) but you need to send only a single DD.

Last Date

The last date for receiving completed application forms is Monday, 15 April, 2013.

Entrance examination schedule

The entrance examinations on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, are scheduled as follows:

Morning session, 09:30-12:30   BSc (common exam for BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics)

Afternoon session, 14:00-17:00   MSc/PhD Mathematics MSc/PhD Computer Science MSc Applications of Mathematics PhD Physics

Applying to multiple programmes

You may apply to multiple programmes.

If you are applying to more than one programme, you need to send only a single DD for Rs. 600/-, whether you apply online or request a form by post.

If you apply online, there is a single form to apply for all undergraduate (BSc) programmes and another form to apply for all postgraduate (MSc/PhD) programmes.

If you request a printed form by post or in person, you may have to fill out more than one application form, depending on the combination of programmes you apply for.

There is a common entrance examination for the MSc and PhD programmes in Mathematics. Similarly, there is a common entrance examination for the MSc and PhD programmes in Computer Science.

The entrance examination for MSc/PhD in Mathematics is at the same time as the examinations for MSc in Applications of Mathematics and MSc/PhD in Computer Science. You may apply for multiple programmes amongst these.

The entrance exam you have to write depends on which combination of courses you apply for:

If you apply for MSc/PhD in Mathematics in combination with any other course, you must write the exam for MSc/PhD in Mathematics. 

If you do not apply for MSc/PhD in Mathematics but you apply for MSc in Applications of Mathematics in combination with MSc/PhD in Computer Science, you must write the exam for MSc in Applications of Mathematics. 

Based on your performance in the exam you write, you will be called for an interview to finalise your admission in the other courses that you apply for.

All students receive handsome scholarships that meet all expenses. B.Sc. (Hons.) students receive a scholarship of Rs. 4000 per month, M.Sc. students receive a scholarship of Rs. 5000 per month and Ph.D. scholarships start at Rs. 16000 per month. Students of B.Sc. (Hons.) also receive an additional monthly scholarship of Rs. 1000, made possible through generous private donations.

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