Sunday, 13 January 2013



The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications from Indian Nationals, in the prescribed format, for ICAR’s 18th AIEEA-UG-2013 and AIEEA-PG-2013 on 100% seats at ICAR-Deemed-to-be-Universities (Bachelor degree at NDRI, Karnal only while Master degree at IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE), and on 15% seats for Bachelor  degree and 25% seats for Master degree at State Agricultural Universities, Central Agricultural University Imphal, Central Universities with Agricultural Faculty (Banaras Hindu University, Viswa Bharati, Nagaland University and Aligarh Muslim University (for PG only) and SHIATS Allahabad for the academic session 2013-14.  Bachelor Degree programmes (viz. B.Sc.Ag./B.Tech./B.F.Sc. etc.) are in the subjects of Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Home Science, Sericulture, Biotechnology, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Food Science, Agricultural Marketing & Co-operation (This examination does not include admission to Bachelor degree programmes in Veterinary Sciences). Master Degree programmes are in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Agri. Engineering, Home Science, Biotechnology, Physical Science, Social Sciences, Dairy Science, Fisheries Science, Veterinary Science and other allied sciences. Based on the results of AIEEA-UG-2013 examination, National Talent Scholarships (NTS) will be awarded to Bachelor degree students whereas based on the merit-rank in AIEEA-PG-2013 examination, 475 ICARJunior Research Fellowships (JRF) will be awarded to Master degree students. Likewise, based on merit in All India Competitive Examination for SRF (PGS)-2013, 202 Senior Research Fellowships (SRF) for pursuing Ph.D. degree will be awarded in different disciplines.

Important Dates: 
1. Dates of Examination:  
UG  :  Saturday, the 20th  April 2013 during 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
PG  :  Sunday, the 21st  April 2013 during 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. 
SRF (PGS) : Sunday, the 21st April 2013  
   (Paper-I: 10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.) 
   (Paper-II: 02:00 P.M. to 04:30 P.M.)
2. Sale of Information Bulletin/Application Form : 26th December 2012 to 15th February 2013
(SRF-PGS Information Bulletin and Application will be available only ONLINE)

Eligibility Criteria: 
For AIEEA-UG-2013(UG Examination):  Between 17 and 23 years as on 31st August 2013 (must have been born between 01.09.1990 to 01.09.1996). Upper age limit will be  relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/PH. 
For AIEEA-PG-2013(PG Examination):     Not less than 19 years as on 31st August 2013 (must not have been  born after 01.09.1994). 
For SRF-PGS-2013                               :      Between 21 and 30 years as on 21.04.2013, the date of examination. 
Upper age limit will be relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/PH and 3 years in case of OBC categories. For in-service candidates, as specified, maximum upper age limit will be 45 years.  

Qualifying Examination For AIEEA-UG-2013:  
Must have passed and obtained not less than  50% marks in aggregate for admission under General, UPS and OBC categories or 40% marks in aggregate for admission under SC, ST and PH categories in 10+2 examination or equivalent/Inter (Agriculture), with PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCA/ PCH subject combinations. Candidate having a compartment/ supplementary in any of the subjects will not be eligible unless proof of having cleared the examination with requisite percentage is available. Candidate appearing for 10+2 examination can also apply but shall produce 10+2 pass certificate with required % marks at the time of counseling. Pass in English in 10+2 examination is essential for admission in some of the Universities.

Cost of Information Bulletin with Application form: 
AIEEA-UG-2013: ` 500/- for General, OBC and UPS categories and ` 250/- for S.C., S.T. and P.H. categories. 
AIEEA-PG-2013: ` 600/- for General, OBC and UPS categories and ` 300/- for S.C., S.T. and P.H. categories 
In addition, ` 25/- per Bulletin would be charged as handling charges plus service tax as applicable, in case of purchase against cash, whereas ` 50/- per Bulletin should be added in the Bank Draft amount towards postal expenses, if requested to be sent by post from COE (Edn). 
SRF(PGS)-2013: SRF-PGS Information Bulletin will be available only ONLINE at from 26.12.2012 onwards and a fee of ` 1200/- for General/OBC and ` 600/- for SC/ST and P.H. categories shall have to be deposited through any of the three modes of payment, while submitting the application Online. 

Further details see the notification
Website of AIEEA 2013

BNMS Scholarship for School Students

Babulal Nagarmal Satnalika Foundation is a non-governmental organization aiming to promote education and learning among the underprivileged children of our society. The foundation works for the children welfare and their progress by providing them monetary assistance on monthly basis so that they are not deprived of the best and basic necessities of today's world i.e. 'The Education'.

Students up to the class of XII who have secured marks above 80% in the previous examination and an annual income of less than 60, 000/- can apply for the scholarship.

Application can be submitted online or offline.

For details and submission of online application form visit

Internshala Career Scholarship for Girls 2013

The Internshala Career Scholarship for Girls is an annual award of INR 25,000/- meant to help advance one girl’s career in her chosen field. Instituted in 2013, the inspiration for this scholarship lies in the sad coincidence that the Delhi rape victim’s struggle for life ended on the same day that Internshala celebrates its anniversary (29th December). The scholarship is meant to recognize a girl who has fought against odds to pursue a career of her dreams in any field (Academics, Sports, Arts etc.).

Any girl (an Indian national) between the ages of 17 to 23 years (as of 31st December 2012) with a career objective is eligible to apply.

Selection Criteria

  • An element of fighting against odds – these can be financial, societal, physical handicap or anything that might have put obstacles in your path.
  • An element of achievement – you must have done remarkably well in your chosen field, be it academics, sports, music or arts.
  • An element of purpose – the purpose for which you will use the scholarship amount.
  • An element of need – everything else being the same, the scholarship would be awarded to someone who is in greater financial need (family income, absence of any other scholarships etc.)
Last Date
5th February 2013.


Applications are invited from  eligible candidates for admission to the various academic  programmes of the University for the academic year 2013-14.  Admission to various courses  are based on Common Admission Test (CAT)/Departmental Admission Test (DAT)/Test for Lateral Entry (LET) and C-MAT score  for MBA. Only on-line registration will be considered for all academic programmes of the University except M.Phil courses,  Ph.D Programmes, M.A. Translation in German/Russian and Diploma/Certificate  programmes. Admission details, eligibility conditions and other particulars  are available in the detailed Notification and Prospectus published in the websites

On-line registration for CAT, LET and PG Programmes including M.Tech. and MBA Programmes  (C-MAT score  required for MBA)
 20 th   Jan. to 11 th  Feb. 2013
On-line Registration for International Students
 20 th  Jan.  to 30 th  Mar. 2013
Sale and Receipt of Application for DAT from  Departments/Schools concerned
 14 th  Jan. to 11 th  Feb. 2013
Submission of GATE score for  M. Tech  and  C-MAT  score  for MBA programmes
 15 th  Mar. to 30 th   Mar. 2013
Admit card downloading  - CAT                                            
24 th  Apr.   to 12 th  May 2013
Admit card downloading   - LET
 08 th  May  to  19 th  May 2013


PG programmes-  LL.M., MCA, 3 year LLB, M.Sc.- Applied Chemistry,  Biotechnology, Electronics Science, Environmental Technology,  Hydrochemistry, Industrial Fisheries, Marine Biology, Marine Geology,  Marine Geophysics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics,   Statistics,   Instrumentation, M.F.Sc Sea  Food Safety and Trade and  M.Sc. Biopolymer Science
 11.05.2013 (Saturday)
All B.Tech. Programmes (Civil, Computer Science, Electrical &  Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Information Technology,  Safety and Fire,  Mechanical, Ship Technology,  Marine, Polymer Science  & Engineering and Instrumentation), 5 year Integrated  M.Sc. Photonics,  M.A. Hindi, 5 year BBA LL.B.(Hons) , B.Com LL.B, M.A. Applied  Economics and Dual Degree programme of MIP.Ph.D and  LL.M(IPR).Ph.D
 12.05.2013 (Sunday)
B.Tech. Lateral Entry to third Semester (Civil, Computer Science,  Electrical & Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Information  Technology,  Safety and Fire,  Mechanical,  Polymer Science &  Engineering  and Instrumentation)
 19.05.2013 (Sunday)

Friday, 4 January 2013


BITS (Birla Institute of Technology & Science) Pilani is India’s leading Institute of Higher Education and a deemed university under section 3 of the UGC actBITS Pilani is a Deemed University with its campus at three places – Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad.
Applications are invited now for the computer based online test for admission to integrated fi rst degree programmes, fi rst semester 2013-14.
BITSAT 2013  is a 3 hour test, offered to candidates on computers at dedicated centers in different cities in India and at the Dubai Campus. The test will have objective type (multiple choices) questions only. The test will be conducted between 14th May – 1st June 2013. The syllabus and other details of the test are available in the BITSAT-2013 brochure, which will be available from the website

The Courses under BITSAT 2013 Entrance Exam are:
B.E. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. (Tech.). 
The students admitted in M.Sc. (Hons.) can pursue DUAL Degree, based on a competitive performance after their first year at PILANI, GOA and Hyderabad campuses. Such students will complete their two degrees in 5yrs.

For admission to any of the Integrated First Degree Programmes (except Dubai campus) the candidate should have passed the 12th class examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or  State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Further, the candidate should  have obtained a minimum of 75% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in  12th class examination, at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics  subjects and adequate proficiency in English. However, admissions will be made only on his/her merit  position based on the score obtained in BITSAT-2013.
Only Students who are appearing for 12th class examination in 2013 or who have passed the  12th class examination in 2012 are eligible to appear for BITSAT-2013. Students who are presently  studying in BITS at any of its campuses are not eligible to appear for BITSAT-2013. 

Direct Admission to Board Toppers.
Students who obtain First Rank in any central or state level board exam in India held in the year 2013 will be given direct admission to the programme of their choice, irrespective of their BITSAT-2013 score subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
In addition to applying and appearing for BITSAT-2013, candidates will have to apply for admission to BITS through a separate application form for seeking admission to programmes offered at Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad campuses along with the details of their 12th class marks. The prescribed application form, the detailed application procedure and the final list of degree programme.
Application Procedure

Interested candidates should register for BITSAT-2013 by applying in the prescribed application form at The prescribed fees of for BITSAT-2013 is Rs.1750/- (1250/- for 
female candidates). Options for payment of fees are given at the website.

Deadline to register for BITSAT-2013 by filling the online form alongwith the prescribed fee is 5.00 PM on 15th February 2013.